About Us

We are a downsizing and move management company hired to streamline the relocation process. We primarily work with seniors but help others who simply need to downsize or relocate. Our owner has 22 years clinical experience working in home health, hospitals and nursing homes. He has seen first hand the traumatic events that can take place following hospitalizations, the loss of a spouse or simply general health problems. Mark noticed that many people in these situations have to move to an assisted living facility, small one floor apartment or nursing home.


 Moving to a new location is one of life’s most stressful events regardless of health. “Where do I start? How do I box it all up? How do I get heirlooms shipped out to each family member? What do I keep?” It can be overwhelming deciding what to do with a lifetime worth of possessions, many of which have personal stories.


That’s where we come in! The primary services we offer are assisting in deciding what to do with 30 to 40 years of belongings and reducing that to fit into a fraction of the space you are moving from. We will label, organize, pack safely, and ship items to where they are to go. We know which local non profits will pick up donations or we can deliver the items to them. We can customize a floor plan for your new destination so that you know how the layout will look. After packing those items up, we can unpack and decorate your new residence to make it feel just like home.


See our For Seniors page for a more complete list of what we offer. If you need help with something else, just give us a call!